What Are The Common Women’s Health Issues In India?

Urinary incontinence, unpleasant monthly cramps, and irregular menstrual periods are frequent problems that many women face. But, since there are medical and surgical intervention techniques that can help ease or cure these bothersome symptoms, you don't have to put up with them. Your gynaecologist should be consulted if you are suffering from severe stomach discomfort or heavy or continuous bleeding during or between periods. These symptoms could indicate a more serious health concern. Let's examine the causes, signs, and treatments of some of the most prevalent gynaecological disorders in more detail. Menstrual Disorders Of Women Endometriosis, endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia or malignancy, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and abnormal uterine bleeding are examples of menstrual problems. Menstrual bleeding that is severe or protracted, bleeding in between periods or after sexual activity, and particularly excruciating...